Gisele Dela Ricci, Rafael Teixeira de Sousa, Larissa José Parazzi, Flavia dos Santos, Maurício dos Santos Conceição, Késia Oliveira da Silva Miranda


The intensive system of poultry production is marked by the restriction of the natural behaviors of the animals, which causes significant losses to the welfare of the animals and the production. Animal welfare is defined as the ability of the animal to interact and live well in its environment or the way animals cope with the conditions in which they live, and must be, within scientific standards, healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behavior, and not suffer from unpleasant states, such as pain, fear and distress. Environmental enrichment is an alternative to modify the physical or social environment of the animals, improving the quality of life, providing conditions closer to the ethological needs and making the environment richer. It is necessary that there is an adequate choice of objects to be used as environmental enrichment, since in some cases, the animals may lose interest or not be interested. The objective of this review was to clarify the importance of environmental enrichment for the welfare of broilers housed in intensive systems and productivity in the face of market challenges. It was concluded that environmental enrichment promotes the improvement of animal welfare, and its use aims to reduce negative stimuli, presentation of unnatural behaviors and allow the expression of natural behaviors. Thus, the analysis of facilities, ambience and behavior is essential in reducing pain and discomfort of chickens.

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