Thaís D Avila Rosa, Diogo Balbé Helgueira, Marlon Ouriques Bastiani, Ivan Ricardo Carvalho, Mauro Mesko Rosa, Cédrick Benetti, Andréia da Silva Almeida, Luis Antonio de Avila, Vinícius Jardel Szareski, Giordano Gelain Conte, Francisco Amaral Villela


The study aimed to evaluate the effects of seeds dressing in the initial establishment of irrigated rice and in the tolerance to herbicides when submitted to low temperatures. The study comprehended two experiments, where the first stage was realized at the Laboratory of Seeds and Technology of the Plants Science Department of the Federal University of Pelotas. Experiment 1: Effect of different seed dressings under the physiologic potential of irrigated rice seeds and experiment 2: Effect of the seeds dressing in the initial establishment of irrigated rice in different sowing seasons in field.  The treatment with dietholate and the combining of dietholate + fipronil + carboxina + tiram, negatively influenced the germination and the vigor tests in both temperatures, decreasing the physiologic performance of rice seeds in lab. When taken to field, the seeds dressing did not influence the analyzed factors, being dependent of the herbicide applying and the sowing season. Besides presenting phytotoxicity, the rice plants presented detoxification power from the herbicide, being possible to analyze this fact, since there was higher number of tillers, resulting in higher number of panicles resulting in higher productivities.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30945/rcr-v23i1.3242


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